Thank you very much Jon, for the links and data!
As I first want to see how many entries you have and in which country, a csv would be much easier, also for manual transfer. (I am not a developer, no idea how to make jason a spreadsheet.)
@jean promised me to send a spreadsheet of the newest entries. I will wait for this and then we can decide, rather doing it by hand or wait for an import service, (which I think is not necessary). Are there people who want to help? @Anne_Arndt_Jacobi Would be great, if we get some from other countries, so they can care for their countries and have a closer look. The best would be 8 to ten people:
Der Quellcode der Seiten und auch die Daten sind seit Anbeginn auf veröffentlicht, aber scheinbar habe ich das bislang nicht ausreichend oder nicht oft genug kommuniziert.
Wir hatten heute mit Jean-Louis, Anne und Alfred ein netten Zoom-Talk zur Karten.
Wir wollen auf jeden Fall die Karten verbinden und gemein gemeinsame große Kartierungsaktion für Degrowth machen.
Da wir damit so bald wie möglich starten wollen, dem Jean-Louis aber ein sehr großes Anliegen ist, von Anfang an auf die bestehenden Daten auf zu bauen, wollen wir die Daten möglichst importieren.
Hast du dazu schon ideen oder scripte?
Könntest du mir bitte eine möglichst aktuelle csv schicken, damit ich schon mal ein Eindruck von der STruktur und der Anzahl der Daten bekomme?
Evtl. haben wir bald sowieso ein Importdienst, falls nicht werden wir vermutlich den deutsprachigen Raum händisch auf dupletten prüfen und alle anderen Länder einfahc importieren.
Main-Task: Roughly review the entries in your country and see if they are plausible.
Help to map entries in your country (you get a spreadsheet from the last years questionair.) It will be around 10 to 30 entries for your country, around 1 hour of mapping-work.
Get to know your degrowth movement in your country:
Who else could be likly to support the degrowth idea?
Make a Degrowth-Call in your country and invite every initiative to present itself, record it and share it.
You will get a notification-service, that informs you about any change of your #degrowth movement in your country.
Add all Contact-Details and Description.
2.1 Allways us the hashtag #degrowth
2.2 Add one or more form these tags: research, activism, practice, oppositional activism, arts, politics
2.3 Add any other suitable hashtags that fits to your organisation.
Make sure there are no errors and accept the open source licence… then clicke save.
Great! Thanks a lot!
I just checkt Germany. 80% was mapped allready. I had to do some research about the correct adress of new entries, which where not in your spreadsheet. That would be one reason, why it was better to do it manuall. And I deleted two duplicates in your list.,8.173&zoom=6.00&search=%23degrowth
@Anne_Arndt_Jacobi Will update the Map and Description under In a transition phase we would like to share also the new map, giving possibility to new people to register on that one and not into the survey.
Change this:
"We are currently working on a new automatized map where every group could map itself. If you filled the survey in the past, we will update your contact informations. If you did never fill the survey, you can register on the new map. Please select always the tag “degrowth”. Furthermore you can add the following additional tags to describe your activity: research, activism, practice, oppositional activism, arts, politics. If you are an individual interest into building a new group, please use the tag “individual”.
@jean@wellemut@conihepp : Yes, we will update the map section of the “get involved” page in the next few days and let you know when we are done, so you can take a look…
Als festen Begriff immer #degrowth zusätzlich können weitere Begriffe auswählbar sein: research, activism, practice, oppositional-activism, arts, politics.
Please put some introduction text like on the get involved page for people to undestand this map