Chicago: DegrowUS! Better Living with Less Growth

Awaken Giant!
Rebel For Life Pop-Up Theater
Joe Phillips, Local Coordinator for Extinction Rebellion Chicago

How We Got Here; How We Get Out of Here
H. Peter Steeves and Danielle Meijer, DePaul University Department of Philosophy

DeCOALonize and DeGrow: Ending the Tyranny of Growth and Creating a Revitalized Sense of Possibility
Rachel Elfant, Climate Justice Organizer at CAPA, Youth Worker at Centro Romero, and student of Degrowth
Master of Ceremonies
Mike Strode, The Kola Nut Collaborative

We are almost out of time to stop global warming. Come to the Dill Pickle on Saturday, June 1, starting at 1 pm, and join with your neighbors to see these presentations addressing the challenge of global warming with performance, a strategy for collective non-violent direct action, an existential description of our problem, and the concept of degrowth. June 1 is Global Degrowth Day.
Degrowth ideas began in France. The movement started about 10 years ago. DegrowUS started in Chicago last fall with a vision of a popular movement for a transition to a just, participatory, and ecological future for all.
The degrowth movement chooses to face head-on the existential truth that the survival of humanity as we know it and the progress of democracy depend on reducing our consumption of the Earth’s resources and breaking the link between economic growth as we know it and human needs such as employment, education, and health care.
Degrowth challenges us to reimagine our resource-intensive convenience-obsessed civilization: Why disposable instead of reusable, products that can’t be repaired rather than a culture of repair, and high tech extreme measures health care but little real focus on disease prevention?
DegrowUS Chicago is a local group allied with the national DegrowUS collective (