Collection of transformation ideas for Post-Corona era

Now we are in the middle of the Corona crisis. A lot of us have people to care about, things to organize, etc. So we find ourselves in a kind of reaction mode. In spite of this it might make sense to prepare for the post-corona times: A lot of decisions will have to be taken e.g. by governments.

For us it could be a window of opportunities to present the right ideas then. So we could use the time now to network and to collect inspiring ideas and proposals.
What lessions have we learnt? What analyses and researches should be triggered now? How do we want to go on? How do we not want to go on?..
For this we created a pad:
Please use it, share it, spread it, create your own language versions (see inside pad)…

For discussing ideas to put in the pad, you are welcome to use this thread…