Degrowth digital presence: .info/.org/.net online meet-up (retreat)

Hello everyone, this is the ongoing effort to better coordinate (or simply do maintenance on the communication flows) amongst .info/.org/.net representatives.

We had a call on June 22nd where we decided we wanted to have an online one-day retreat to better coordinate the efforts amongst the three mentioned platforms. You can read through the minutes here.

In summary, we said we wanted to have 1-3 representatives of each collective take part in a retreat, some of the objectives discussed were:

  • How do we make sure we create synergies and collaborate instead of duplicating efforts?
  • What are the coordination mechanisms between the groups, who takes part in this? (Mailing, platform, meetings, timing…)
  • Getting to know each other, understanding the working culture of the different groups

Here is the form to find a date: WhenIsGood: .info/.org/.net retreat

I skipped the summer, starting in September. I included weekdays since I do not remember discussing whether it had to be a week-end thing or not. Also, I excluded Sundays… Please let me know if there are further constrains I should consider. Or we can discuss if the calendar needs to be re-done, I am open to that.

I trust each collective will forward this request to their representatives.

I did not manage to reach everyone by email so here is an attempt to reach more of us (especially .net representatives).

I appreciate your support in this, as it is a collective effort and I am getting a bit lost sometimes. Namely, once we define the date we still have to decide on a format a timing and a structure for the retreat and I do not feel comfortable deciding this for everyone. Proposals and participation are needed.

Thank you!
