How do I post in this forum?

If you want to write a post or get notified about new posts, you have to register:

  • Register to the forum via the “sign up” button. You need to check your email (please check also your spam folder!) and follow the activation link from the email.
  • Then press the “Click here to activate your account” button.

To get back to the start page: Press the snails-icon in the top left corner:Screenshot%20from%202019-02-18%2009-24-08.

Some hints on the usage of this forum

  • Before you open a new thread/topic, you might want to check existing ones if they are similar or suitable for you to use.
  • You can manage your account settings (email, notifications, categories, …) as described here: How to manage your account settings
  • Check if you want to join a group: Why and how to join a group
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