In preparation of the conference beginning of September in Manchester we the @communication group, namely @gandhiano and me, promised that Ecobytes can provide customisations to the conference platform known as
The platform is known to be a suitable environment for preparing a Degrowth conference by offering a call for papers, a peer review process, as well as assignment of rooms to generate conference schedules.
Thanks to the preparations of @vliegey and the general recommendation by @mladen, we are commencing the process of structured conversation around user and technology questions related.
Please feel free to say hi by responding to this message.
The voluntarily chosen work at hands primarily focusses on requirements by the users, and also by technical demands that we encounter along the way. Happily enough the original developer of the peer review system @ponder resurfaced in Ecobytes and will be available for requests.
Development concerns
The application is hosted at
Its source code lives in degrowth / scriptorium · GitLab
We are working in a cocreating mode, where all participants in the process are asked for contributions from time to time. These contributions will help guiding the development process and feeding development spikes with actual user demands. Details will be made available when such a need arises.
Usage concerns
From the two development waves in 2016 and 2018 we inherit organisational remarks which will aid easing communication during development.
- Transparent and accountable workflow (#253)
- Documentation for different usage phases of the conference platform is missing (#252)
- Call for papers peer review workflow (#207)
Technical concerns
The technical work is documented openly, and currently focussing on the following tickets:
- Requirements gathering of Manchester conference (#254)
- Development instance (#258)
- Separate instances per conference (#255)
- Rebase on Upstream (#256)
This is the often invisible part of the development, and will only need to concern you when we ask you to.
I am documenting this activity here to disclose it to the public, and to invite for discussion about the process. After commencing a conversation about requirements gathering, here our combined efforts aspire to:
configure the new conference site for Manchester 2020
The following tasks were already derieved for the MAN LOC and will help clarifying last details, plus onboard the conference organisers to their information system.
have the people of the LOC sign up through
review and choose the
Manchester 2020 themes from the outcomes of the call for sub-themes.
add theManchester 2020 themes to the interface at
For comparison:
Bonus: Use the pad
2020 themes - HedgeDoc as an intermediary.
onboard LOC and have members present in the roles from
- Admin
- Crew
- Orgas
- Coordinators
Note: the roles Speakers, Reviewers, Submitters and Contributors only become useful later in the process.
explain and document what each role does
BonusÂč to help the developers:
Review and confirm the event types
- Budapest 2016 event types ($399) · Snippets · degrowth / scriptorium · GitLab
- Malmö 2018 event types ($398) · Snippets · degrowth / scriptorium · GitLab
- Manchester 2020 event types ($400) · Snippets · degrowth / scriptorium · GitLab
They will be written into the code, why it is easier to double check them now, than to apply changes throughout the system later.
BonusÂČ for you:
useDegrowth 2020 - HedgeDoc
update the technical documentation at Home · Wiki · degrowth / scriptorium · GitLab
implement technical changes according to the requirements of the Manchester conference, consolidated in Manchester 2020 · Milestones · degrowth / scriptorium
Bonus: provide a user manual and a how to for scriptum at
Subsequent questions around the development
can happily be posted here with a reply, or to #groups:communication on this platform. You can send an email to
, or write directly on
Support requests to
are also possible, if thatâs easier to remember, and end up in #support. These messages do not appear on the entrance page, but remain searchable throughout the platform.
Bonne chance!